grace church announcements

Greetings Grace Church Family,

Scroll below to view this week's announcements.

This week's announcements:


Mother Blake - Feb. 24

WED., FEB. 12

There will be no Bible Study this evening.

SUN., FEB. 16 - 3rd Sunday

Sunday School resumes

Worship Service at Grace! 

Please be sure to support our Junior Teens of Grace and Teens of Grace as they present brief facts from Black American History.


Keep in prayer Grace Church and these other specific requests:

Mother Blake's dialysis and breathing concerns and overall health

Sister Miller's continued healing and strength

Pastor Miller's recovery from shoulder surgery

Sister Gloria's recovery from eye surgery

Mrs. Gladys Battle, Ms. Geneva Stephens and others experiencing health concerns

Those impacted by hurricanes and other natural disasters

The bereaved

Save the date for the Women of Grace Prayer Breakfast - March 15, 2025!

Subscribe to Grace Community Church's YouTube Channel!

Be intentional and share the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ!

(Matthew 28:19-20)