Greetings Grace Church Family,
Scroll below to view this week's announcements.
grace church announcements
Greetings Grace Church Family,
Scroll below to view this week's announcements.
This week's announcements:
Josiah - Mar. 22
Sister Miller - Mar. 31
WED., MAR. 12
Join Bible Study, in person / Zoom
Meeting ID: 840 2626 6488
Passcode: 947550
SAT., MAR. 15
The Women of Grace Prayer Ministry Women's Prayer Breakfast will be held on Sat., March 15!
SUN., MAR. 16
Sunday School at 10:25 AM
Worship Service at Grace!
Let's remember to invite others to Grace Church this week!
SUN., MAR. 23 - 4th Sunday
We will fellowship at Southside Tabernacle Church on the fourth Sunday at 10:45 AM.
Keep in prayer Grace Church and these other specific requests:
Mother Blake's dialysis and breathing concerns and overall health
Sister Pat's healing (finger) and strength
Sister Miller's continued healing and strength
Pastor Miller's continued healing and strength from shoulder surgery
Ryan Williams' healing (finger and hand)
Sister Gloria's healing from eye surgery; hand / arm injury
Sister Rebecca's headaches and her father-in-law's health concerns and her brother's health
Deacon Thomas' health concerns
Mrs. Gladys Battle, Ms. Geneva Stephens and others experiencing health concerns
Those impacted by hurricanes and other natural disasters
The bereaved
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Be intentional and share the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ!
(Matthew 28:19-20)