health safety at grace church

The Coronavirus, or COVID-19, has led to an increased cause for health safety in each of our lives.  Doing our part to help ensure the health safety of each Grace Church member and that of each of our visitors while attending Worship Service at Grace Church is very important to us.    As mentioned during each of our live stream Worship Services, Grace Church will continue to heed the CDC guidelines for COVID-19 prevention.  Health safety signage will be displayed in the parking, near the church entrance, and posted inside the church building.

If you have any underlying health conditions, are sick, or if for any reason do not feel comfortable attending the physical Worship Service, we encourage you to stay at home and continue watching our online live stream Worship Service.

Physical Worship service

We continue to pray for the Lord's protection and guidance in ensuring all of our health safety while attending Grace Church Worship Services at the Child's Park YMCA.

  • church school classes

    In keeping with safety, we will forego all Church School (Sunday School) classes at this time. Bible Studies for all Grace Church youth will continue to be held virtually on Wednesdays, and Grace Institute of Biblical Studies (G.I.B.S.)  will continue to be held for everyone on Thursdays on Facebook and YouTube .

  • communion and offering

    Limiting use of commonly touched surfaces and materials at church is one of our primary areas of focus.  Particularly, how we handle communion and our in church-offering collections have been modified.  Communion will be offered every second and fourth Sunday.  

  • face mask / covering

    We encourage those who are able to wear a face mask (covering the nose and mouth) to do so upon entering the church building, and upon exiting the church building.  The CDC does recommend that cloth face coverings not be used on children under 2 years of age or on anyone who has trouble breathing or who otherwise is unable to remove the mask without assistance.

  • hand sanitizer areas

    Everyone is encouraged to wash their hands frequently with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds, and dry with a clean towel/napkin.  We will have hand sanitizer accessible areas available, especially during the times when soap and water are not accessible.

  • Social distancing

    We will continue to follow social distancing guidelines as suggested by the CDC.  Families are encouraged to sit together during the Worship Service, and everyone is encouraged to avoid close person-to-person contact with others.  In addition, the Elders of Grace Community Church will continue to pray and use wisdom in how to maintain social distancing in an atmosphere of worship unto our Lord Jesus.